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滕    应

滕 应

职务 工程实验室副主任 职称 研究员
通讯地址 南京市北京东路71号
邮政编码 210008 电子邮件 yteng@issas.ac.cn

简 历:

 滕 应,中国科学院南京土壤研究所研究员,博士生导师,中国科学院大学教授,东南大学兼职教授。1997、2000年毕业于贵州大学土壤与农业化学专业,分别获学士和硕士学位,2003年获浙江大学土壤学专业博士学位。2003年进入中国科学院南京土壤研究所博士后工作站,2005年留中国科学院南京土壤研究所工作。主要从事污染土壤生物修复方面研究。现任中国科学院南京土壤研究所科技处处长、农田土壤污染防控与修复技术国家工程实验室副主任、中国土壤学会土壤修复专业委员会副主任、中国植物生理学会植物修复生物学专业委员会副主任、污染土壤生物-物化协同修复技术国家联合地方工程实验室专家委员,江苏省微生物学会环境微生物专业委员会主任、江苏省南京市中级人民法院资源审判咨询专家库成员等学术职务。担任国家重点研发计划项目首席科学家、国家2021-2035环境专题中长期科技发展规划土壤污染防治领域组执笔人、国家“十四五”土壤污染防治规划编写组成员、农业农村部耕地重金属污染防治联合攻关专家组成员、生态环境部耕地土壤污染成因排查和分析试点技术工作组成员、澳大利亚Griffith University客座研究员、微生物学前沿、土壤期刊编委。2015年获江苏省杰出青年基金,2015年获国家环境保护部全国土壤污染状况调查工作先进个人,2013和2016年两次获江苏省“333高层次人才培养工程”学科带头人,2010年获中国工程院和国家环境保护部颁发的中国环境宏观战略研究先进个人。

至今,主持承担了国家重点研发计划项目、国家自然科学基金项目、863重点项目课题、973项目子课题、国家环保公益性项目、国家土壤污染防治先行区示范项目、江苏省杰出青年基金、中国科学院STS项目课题等20多项。已在Environmental Science & Technology、Soil Biology & Biochemistry、Bioresource Technology、Frontiers in Microbiology、中国科学院院刊、土壤学报、等国内外著名期刊上发表论文270多篇(SCI 100多篇),论文总他引8000多次,H指数39。主编学术著作6部,申请国家发明专利25项(已授权15项),国家标准1项。获中国土壤学会科学技术一等奖、环境保护科学技术二等奖、江苏省科学技术二等奖共3项。应邀担任第九届热带和亚热带地球化学国际会议组委会成员、担任工作委员会主席组织了2018年“世界土壤日”中国活动暨“第一届全国土壤修复大会”,共同组织了“第三、四、五届土壤污染与修复国际会议”、“第十三届国际植物技术会议”,积极推动了我国土壤污染过程与生物修复理论与技术发展。



[1] 国家重点研发计划项目,2019YFC1803700,华东废旧电器拆解场地污染区修复技术集成与工程示范,2020.1-2023.12,2475万元,在研,主持

[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41671327,多氯联苯微生物降解的土壤胶体界面作用机制研究,2017.01-2020.12,66万元,在研,主持

[3] 江苏省自然科学基金杰出青年基金项目,BK20150049,土壤中多环芳烃微生物降解的界面作用机制研究,2015.07-2018.06,100万元,已结题,主持

[4] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41371309,土壤中根瘤菌-豆科植物共生体对多氯联苯的降解机制研究, 2014.01 -2017.12,75万元,已结题,主持

[5] 国家自然科学青年基金项目,40701080,多氯联苯污染土壤菌根真菌-根瘤菌强化豆科植物的根际修复机理研究,2008.01-2010.12,20万元,已结题,主持

[6] 环保公益性行业科研专项课题,201309005,稀土金属冶选尾矿库渗漏对地下水污染的生态风险评估与控制研究,2013.01-2015.12,652万元,已结题,主持

[7] 环保公益性行业科研专项子课题,201109018, 设施农业条件下农膜使用对土壤环境质量影响规律、环境风险评估与调控对策,2011.1-2013.12,185万元,已结题,主持

[8] 国家863计划重大项目子课题,2012AA06A204,镉低污染农田土壤超积累植物修复的木霉菌剂强化技术,2012.1-2015.12,40万元,已结题,主持

[9] 国家863计划重点项目一级课题,2007AA061101,PAHs污染土壤的植物-微生物联合修复技术,2007.09-2010.12,184万元,已结题,主持

[10] 国家863计划重点项目一级课题,2007AA061001,铜-镉污染土壤联合修复的成套技术与示范,2007.09-2010.12,160万元,已结题,主持

[11] 国家863计划青年基金项目“多环芳烃污染土壤的菌根真菌强化植物修复技术及修复制剂研发”(2004AA649210),2004.06-2005.12,20万元,已结题,主持

[12] 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目一级课题,kzcx2-yw-404 ,POPs复合污染农田土壤的微生物修复及根际强化技术,2006.10-2009.10,45万,已结题,主持

[13] 江苏省自然科学基金项目,BK2005166,菌根真菌-根瘤菌强化豆科植物修复多氯联苯污染土壤的作用机理研究,2005.07-2007.12,7.5万元,已结题,主持

[14] 中国博士后科学基金项目,20040350221,重金属复合污染交互作用对土壤微生物分子遗传多样性的影响,2003.11-2005.12,2万元,已结题,主持

[15] 国家自然科学基金重大项目,41991330,土壤复合污染过程和生物修复,2020.01-2024.12,85万元,在研,骨干

[16] 国家自然科学基金优秀群体项目,40921061,土壤及其界面过程-土壤中多氯联苯的植物-微生物联合修复及其与碳氮的关系,2009.01-2013.12,60万元,已结题,骨干

[17] 国家自然科学基金重点项目,40432005 复合污染农田毒害污染物生物传递和生态风险评估,2005.01-2008.12,130万,已结题,参加

[18] 国家重点基础研究发展规划(973)项目子课题,2002CB410809 ,持久性有机污染物高风险区土壤化学-微生物-植物联合修复机理及其风险评价,2005.08-2008.08,20万,已结题,参加

[19] 中国科学院创新团队国际合作伙伴计划,CXTD-Z2005-4-6 ,土壤生物环境与农产品安全研究-复合污染土壤的化学生物学过程及其农产品安全风险和生态修复研究,2006.01-2008.12,90万,已结题,参加



[1] 滕应, 杨敏, 张宁, 任文杰, 马文亭. 一种镉污染修复剂及其与植物联合修复农田土壤中的应用. 中国, ZL201610227531.3, 2016-8-31(已授权)

[2] 滕应, 朱烨, 马文亭, 李振高, 任文杰, 骆永明. 贪铜菌YNS-85及其在土壤修复中的应用. 中国, ZL201510351317.4, 2018-05-08(已授权)

[3] 滕应, 张满云, 马文亭, 陈婷, 骆永明, 李振高, 赵其国, 陈勇, 姜志伟, 蒋锐. 寡养单胞菌H-4及其降解酶制剂的制备方法和应用. 中国, ZL201310199748.4, 2015-06-03(已授权)

[4] 滕应, 罗洋, 骆永明, 马文亭, 李振高. 以桔皮为原料发酵木霉菌的生产工艺. 中国, ZL20131041124.4, 2015-04-08(已授权)

[5] 滕应, 马文亭, 骆永明, 李振高, 刘五星, 吴龙华. 里氏木霉联合伴矿景天在镉污染农田土壤修复中的应用. 中国, ZL201310104049.7, 2014-07-02(已授权)

[6] 滕应, 李秀芬, 骆永明, 李振高. 中慢生根瘤菌ZY1及其在土壤修复中的应用. 中国, ZL201210417028.0, 2013-12-18(已授权)

[7] 滕应, 骆永明, 田晔, 赵静, 李振高, 吴龙华. 一株促进污染土壤植物修复的木霉菌株FS10-C及其微生物制剂的制备方法. 中国, ZL201010592007.9, 2012-07-04(已授权)

[8] 滕应, 骆永明, 李振高. 降低污染土壤中多氯联苯和多环芳烃的双接种生物学方法. 中国, ZL200510038453.4, 2008-07-09(已授权)

[9] 汪军, 滕应, 张满云, 陈婷, 骆永明, 马文亭, 李振高. 一株球状红球菌WJ4及其在邻苯二甲酸酯污染土壤修复中的应用. 中国, ZL201310431042.6, 2016-08-17(已授权)

[10] 骆永明, 陈海红, 滕应, 罗飞, 宋静, 刘五星. 土壤持久性有机污染物的低温等离子体处理装置及方法: 中国, ZL201310157616.5. 2014-12-24(已授权)

[11] 骆永明, 潘澄, 滕应. 一种铜镉复合污染土壤的物化修复方法: 中国, ZL2012 10485714.7. 2014-11-05(已授权)

[12] 马莹, 骆永明, 滕应, 李振高. 紫金牛叶杆菌RC6b及其在土壤修复中的应用:中国, ZL201210412951.0. 2014-07-02(已授权)

[13] 付登强, 骆永明, 滕应, 李振高. 苯并(a)芘污染土壤的异位修复方法. 中国, ZL201110073808.9, 2012-06-13(已授权)

[14] 骆永明, 毛健, 滕应, 李振高. 噬氨副球菌HPD-2及其在土壤修复中的应用. 中国, ZL200810022333.1, 2010-09-29(已授权)

[15] 吴宇澄, 骆永明, 李振高, 滕应. 漆酶高产菌的快速筛选方法. 中国, ZL200610039351.9, 2010-05-12(已授权)

[16] 骆永明, 陈海红, 滕应, 罗飞, 宋静, 刘五星. 一种土壤持久性有机污染物的低温等离子体处理装置. 中国, 201320230654.4, 2013-04-28(实用新型 已授权)

[17] 滕应, 甘信宏, 任文杰, 蒋永华, 栗建民, 郝建东, 骆永明, 朱尚仪. 磺化石墨烯在修复多环芳烃污染土壤中的应用. 中国, 201610065739.X

[18] 滕应, 杨敏, 张宁, 任文杰, 马文亭. 一种镉污染修复剂及其与植物联合修复农田土壤中的应用. 中国, 201610227531.3

[19] 滕应, 骆永明, 李振高. 用于修复多环芳烃复合污染土壤的植物学方法. 国家发明专利, ZL200610037639.2

[20] 任文杰, 滕应, 傅赵聪, 马文亭. 大狼把草在修复重金属污染土壤中的应用. 中国, 2019101376556

[21] 赵玲, 滕应, 邓敏, 万京林, 戴阳. 冷等离子体种子处理方法在强化植物修复镉污染土壤中的应用. 中国, 2019101036183

[22] 骆永明, 孙明明, 滕应, 刘五星, 李振高. 多环芳烃与重金属复合污染场地土壤的化学-微生物联合修复方法. 中国, 201210486441.8

[23] 骆永明, 滕应, 涂晨, 王家嘉, 孙向辉, 李振高. 多氯联苯与酸复合污染土壤的化学-植物联合修复方法. 中国, 201010138400.0

[24] 骆永明, 滕应, 孙向辉, 王家嘉, 涂晨, 李振高. 多氯联苯污染土壤的干湿交替原位修复方法. 中国, 201010137645.1

[25] 骆永明, 朱爱民, 滕应, 李小松, 刘增俊, 底兰波, 章海波, 李秀华. 土壤中有机污染物的冷等离子体去除方法. 中国, 200810243320.4



[1] 赵其国, 滕应 等著. 《中国耕地轮作休耕制度研究》. 科学出版社, 2019年11月, 北京

[2] 滕应, 陈梦舫 等著. 《稀土尾矿库区地下水污染风险评估与防控修复研究》. 科学出版社, 2016年11月, 北京

[3] 骆永明, 滕应等编. 《废旧电容器拆解区农田土壤污染与修复研究》. 科学出版社, 2015年7月, 北京

[4] 骆永明, 夏家淇, 章海波, 宋静, 滕应等编.《中国土壤环境质量基准与标准制定的理论和方法》. 科学出版社, 2015年3月, 北京

[5] 滕应, 骆永明. 《设施土壤酞酸酯污染与生物修复研究》. 科学出版社, 2014年7月, 北京.

[6] 骆永明, 蒋新, 滕应, 周东美. 《城郊农田土壤复合污染与修复研究》. 科学出版社, 2012年6月, 北京.

[7] 李振高, 骆永明, 滕应. 《土壤与环境微生物研究法》. 科学出版社, 2008年9月, 北京.



[1] Wang Xiaomi, Teng Ying*, Tu Chen, Luo Yongming, Greening Chris, Zhang Ning, Dai Shixiang, Ren Wenjie, Zhao Ling, Li Zhengao. Coupling between Nitrogen Fixation and Tetrachlorobiphenyl Dechlorination in a Rhizobium-Legume Symbiosis. Environmental Science & Technology, 2018,52(4):2217-2224

[2] Ren Gaidi, Teng Ying*, Ren Wenjie, Dai Shixiang, Li Zhengao. Pyrene dissipation potential varies with soil type and associated bacterial community changes. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2016,103:71-85

[3] Teng Ying*, Xu Yongfeng, Wang Xiaomi, Christie Peter. Function of Biohydrogen Metabolism and Related Microbial Communities in Environmental Bioremediation. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2019,DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.00106

[4] Teng Ying*, Sun Xianghui, Zhu Lingjia, Christie Peter, Luo Yongming. Polychlorinated biphenyls in alfalfa: Accumulation, sorption and speciation in different plant parts. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2017,19(8): 732-738

[5] Teng Ying*, Wang Xiaomi, Li Lina, Li Zhengao, Luo Yongming. Rhizobia and their bio-partners as novel drivers for functional remediation in contaminated soils. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2015,DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00032

[6] Teng Ying*, Chen Wei. Soil Microbiomesa Promising Strategy for Contaminated Soil Remediation: A Review. Pedosphere,2019,29,(3): 283-297.

[7] Teng Ying*, Wang Xiaomi, Zhu Ye, Chen Wei, Christie Peter, Li Zhengao, Luo Yongming. Biodegradation of pentachloronitrobenzene by Cupriavidus sp YNS-85 and its potential for remediation of contaminated soils. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017,24(10): 9538-9547

[8] Teng Ying*, Zhang Manyun, Yang Guangmei, Wang Jun, Christie Peter, Luo Yongming. Successive chlorothalonil applications inhibit soil nitrification and discrepantly affect abundances of functional genes in soil nitrogen cycling. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017,24(4): 3562-3571

[9] Teng Ying*, Feng Shijiang, Ren Wenjie, Zhu Lingjia, Ma Wenting, Christie Peter, Luo Yongming. Phytoremediation of diphenylarsinic-acid-contaminated soil by Pteris vittata associated with Phyllobacterium myrsinacearum RC6b. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2017,19(5):463-469

[10] Teng Ying*, Li Xiufen, Chen Ting, Zhang Manyun, Wang Xiaomi, Li Zhengao, Luo Yongming. Isolation of the PCB-degrading bacteria Mesorhizobium sp ZY1 and its combined remediation with Astragalus sinicus L. for contaminated soil. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2016,18(2):141-149

[11] Teng Ying*, Luo Yang, Ma Wenting, Zhu Lingjia, Ren Wenjie, Luo Yongming, Christie Peter, Li Zhengao. Trichoderma reesei FS10-C enhances phytoremediation of Cd-contaminated soil by Sedum plumbizincicola and associated soil microbial activities. Frontiers in Plant Science,2015,DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00438

[12] Zhang Manyun, Wang Jun, Bai Shahla Hosseini, Zhang Yaling , Teng Ying*, Xu Zhihong*. Assisted phytoremediation of a co-contaminated soil with biochar amendment: Contaminant removals and bacterial community properties, Geoderma. 2019, 345:115-123.

[13] Ren Wenjie, Chang Haiwei, Mao Tingyu, Teng Ying*.Planarity effect of polychlorinated biphenyls adsorption by graphene nanomaterials: The influence of graphene characteristics, solution pH and temperature. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2019,362:160-168

[14] Meng Ke, Ren Wenjie, Teng Ying*, Wang Beibei, Han Yujuan, Christie Peter, Luo Yongming. Application of biodegradable seedling trays in paddy fields: Impacts on the microbial community. Science of the Total Environment. 2019,656: 750-759

[15] Wang Yuting, Ren Wenjie, Li Yan, Xu Yongfeng, Teng Ying*, Christie Peter, Luo Yongming. Nontargeted metabolomic analysis to unravel the impact of di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate stress on root exudates of alfalfa (Medicago sativa). Science of the Total Environment. 2019,646:212-219

[16] Gan Xinhong, Teng Ying*, Zhao Ling, Ren Wenjie, Chen Wei, Hao Jialong, Christie Peter, Luo Yongming. Influencing mechanisms of hematite on benzo(a)pyrene degradation by the PAH-degrading bacterium Paracoccus sp. Strain HPD-2: insight from benzo(a)pyrene bioaccessibility and bacteria activity. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2018,359:348-355

[17] Chen Wei, Teng Ying*, Li Zhengao, Liu Wuxing, Ren Wenjie, Luo Yongming, Christie Peter. Mechanisms by which organic fertilizer and effective microbes mitigate peanut continuous cropping yield constraints in a red soil of south China. Applied Soil Ecology. 2018,128:23-34.

[18] Wang Beibei, Teng Ying*, Xu Yongfeng, Chen Wei, Ren Wenjie, Li Yan, Christie Peter, Luo Yongming. Effect of mixed soil microbiomes on pyrene removal and the response of the soil microorganisms. Science of the Total Environment. 2018,640:9-17.

[19] Dai Shixiang, Zhao Ling, Teng Ying*, Wang Xiaomi, Ren Wenjie. Effect of composition and microstructure of humic acid on 3,3 ',4,4 '-tetrachlorobiphenyl sorption. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2018,25(15):14656-14665.

[20] Lu Yingang*, Ma Jun, Teng Ying, He Junyu, Peter Christie, Zhu Lingjia, Ren Wenjie, Zhang Manyun, Deng Shiping. Effect of silicon on growth, physiology, and cadmium translocation of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) in cadmium-contaminated soil. Pedosphere. 2018, 28, 680-689.

[21] Ren Wenjie, Chang Haiwei, Wang Yuting, Teng Ying*, Ma Wenting, Luo Yongming. Effect of sulfonated graphene on uptake, translocation, and metabolism of 2,4,4 '-trichlorobiphenyl in maize seedlings. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2018,25(20):20084-20096.

[22] Zhang Manyun*, Wang Jun, Bai Shahla Hosseini, Teng Ying*, Xu Zhihong*. Evaluating the effects of phytoremediation with biochar additions on soil nitrogen mineralization enzymes and fungi. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2018,25(23):23106-23116.

[23] Huang Yang, Teng Ying*, Zhang Ning, Fu Zhaocong, Ren Wenjie. Human health risk assessment of heavy metals in the soil-Panax notoginseng system in Yunnan province, China. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment. 2018,24(5):1312-1326

[24] Xu Yongfeng, Dai Shixiang, Meng Ke, Wang Yuting, Ren Wenjie, Zhao Ling, Christie Peter, Teng Ying*. Occurrence and risk assessment of potentially toxic elements and typical organic pollutants in contaminated rural soils. Science of the Total Environment. 2018,630:618-629

[25] Zhang Manyun*, Wang Weijin, Bai Shahla Hosseini, Zhou Xue, Teng Ying*, Xu Zhihong*. Antagonistic effects of nitrification inhibitor 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate and fungicide iprodione on net nitrification in an agricultural soil. Soil Biology & Biochemistry,  2018,116:167-170

[26] Wang Xiaomi, Teng Ying*, Zhang Ning, Christie Peter, Li Zhengao, Luo Yongming, Wang Jun. Rhizobial symbiosis alleviates polychlorinated biphenyls-induced systematic oxidative stress via brassinosteroids signaling in alfalfa. Science of the Total Enivironment, 2017,592:68-77

[27] Gan Xinhong, Teng Ying*, Ren Wenjie, Ma Jun, Christie, Peter, Luo Yongming. Optimization of Ex-Situ Washing Removal of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from a Contaminated Soil Using Nano-Sulfonated Graphene. Pedosphere, 2017,27(3):527-536

[28] Zhang Manyun*, Wang Weijin, Zhang Yaling, Teng Ying*, Xu Zhihong*. Effects of fungicide iprodione and nitrification inhibitor 3, 4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate on soil enzyme and bacterial properties. Science of the Total Enivironment, 2017,599:254-263

[29] Zhang Manyun*, Bai Shahla Hosseini, Tang Li, Zhang Yaling, Teng Ying*, Xu Zhihong*. Linking potential nitrification rates, nitrogen cycling genes and soil properties after remediating the agricultural soil contaminated with heavy metal and fungicide. Chemosphere, 2017,184:892-899

[30] Zhang Manyun*, Wang Weijin, Wang Jun, Teng Ying*, Xu Zhihong*. Dynamics of biochemical properties associated with soil nitrogen mineralization following nitrification inhibitor and fungicide applications. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017,24(12): 11340-11348

[31] Ren Wenjie, Chang Haiwei, Teng Ying*. Sulfonated graphene-induced hormesis is mediated through oxidative stress in the roots of maize seedlings. Science of the Total Environment, 2016,572:926-934

[32] Wang Xiaomi, Teng Ying*, Luo Yongming, Dick Richard P. Biodegradation of 3,3 ',4,4 '- tetrachlorobiphenyl by Sinorhizobium meliloti NM. Bioresource Technology, 2016,201:261-258

[33] Zhang Manyun, Teng Ying*, Xu Zhihong, Wang Jun, Christie Peter, Luo Yongming. Cumulative effects of repeated chlorothalonil application on soil microbial activity and community in contrasting soils. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2016,16(6):1754-1763

[34] Wang Jun*, Lv Shenghong, Zhang Manyun, Chen Gangcai, Zhu Tongbin, Zhang Shen, Teng Ying*, Christie Peter, Luo Yongming. Effects of plastic film residues on occurrence of phthalates and microbial activity in soils. Chemosphere, 2016,151:171-177

[35] Zhang Manyun, Xu Zhihong, Teng Ying*, Christie Peter, Wang Jun, Ren Wenjie, Luo Yongming, Li Zhengao. Non-target effects of repeated chlorothalonil application on soil nitrogen cycling: The key functional gene study. Science of the Total Environment, 2016,543:636-643

[36] Ren Wenjie, Ren Gaidi, Teng Ying*, Li Zhengao, Li Lina. Time-dependent effect of graphene on the structure, abundance, and function of the soil bacterial community. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2015,297:286-294

[37] Wang Jun, Chen Gangcai, Christie Peter, Zhang Manyun, Luo Yongming, Teng Ying*. Occurrence and risk assessment of phthalate esters (PAEs) in vegetables and soils of suburban plastic film greenhouses. Science of the Total Environment, 2015, 523, 129-137

[38] Wang Jun, Zhang Manyun, Chen Ting, Zhu Ye, Teng Ying*, Luo Yongming, Christie Peter. Isolation and identification of a di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate-degrading bacterium and its role in the bioremediation of a contaminated soil. Pedosphere, 2015, 25(2): 202-211

[39] Ren Gaidi, Ren Wenjie, Teng Ying*, Li Zhengao. Evident bacterial community changes but only slight degradation when polluted with pyrene in a red soil. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2015,DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00022

[40] Yao Lunfang, Teng Ying*, Luo Yongming, Christie Peter, Ma Wenting, Liu Fang, Wu Yonggui, Luo Yang, Li Zhengao. Biodegradation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by Trichoderma reesei FS10-C and Effect of Bioaugmentation on an Aged PAH-Contaminated Soil. Bioremediation Journal, 2015, 19(1):9-17

[41] Tu Chen, Luo YongMing, Teng Ying, Christie Peter. Reductive dechlorination of polychlorinated biphenyls is coupled to nitrogen fixation by a legume-rhizobium symbiosis. Science China Earth Sciences, 2018, 61(3):285-291

[42] Zhang Manyun, Teng Ying, Zhang Yaling, Ford Rebecca, Xu Zhihong. Effects of nitrification inhibitor 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate and fungicide iprodione on soil fungal biomass and community: based on internal transcribed spacer region. Journal of Soil Sediments, 2017,17(4): 1021-1029

[43] Tu Chen, Ma Luyao, Guo Pengpeng, Song Fang, Teng Ying, Zhang Haibo, Luo Yongming*. Rhizoremediation of a dioxin-like PCB polluted soil by alfalfa: Dynamic characterization at temporal and spatial scale. Chemosphere, 2017, 189:517-524

[44] Hu Wenyou, Zhang Yanxia, Huang Biao, Teng Ying. Soil environmental quality in greenhouse vegetable production systems in eastern China: Current status and management strategies,Chemosphere, 2017,170:183-195

[45] Wang Beibei, Liu Wuxing, Liu Xiaoyan, Franks Ashley E., Teng Ying, Luo Yongming. Comparative analysis of microbial communities during enrichment and isolation of DDT-degrading bacteria by culture-dependent and -independent methods. Science of the Total Environment, 2017,590:297-303

[46] Wang Beibei, Wang jingling, Liu Wuxing, Liu Xiaoyan, Hou Jinyu, Teng Ying, Luo Yongming, Christie Peter. Biosurfactant-producing microorganism Pseudomonas sp SB assists the phytoremediation of DDT-contaminated soil by two grass species. Chemosphere, 2017,182:137-142

[47] Wang Beibei, Wu Chunfa, Liu Wuxing, Teng Ying, Luo Yongming, Christie Peter, Guo Dong. Levels and patterns of organochlorine pesticides in agricultural soils in an area of extensive historical cotton cultivation in Henan province, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016,23(7):6680-6689

[48] Ren Wenjie, Wang Meie, Zhou Qixing, Teng Ying. Integration of Chemical Methods and Biomarkers for Assessment of Chlorimuron-Ethyl Bioavailability in Soil. Pedosphere, 2016,26(3):273-281

[49] Wang Anan, Teng Ying, Hu Xuefeng, Wu Longhua, Huang Yujuan, Luo Yongming, Christie Peter. Photodegradation of diphenylarsinic acid by UV-C light: Implication for its remediation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2016,308:199-207

[50] Wang A-nan, Teng Ying, Hu Xuefeng, Wu Longhua, Huang Yujuan, Luo Yongming, Christie Peter. Diphenylarsinic acid contaminated soil remediation by titanium dioxide (P25) photocatalysis: Degradation pathway, optimization of operating parameters and effects of soil properties. Science of the Total Environment, 2016,541:348-355

[51] Liu Wuxing, Wang Qingling, Wang Baozhan, Wang Xiaobing, Franks Ashley E. Teng Ying, Li Zhengao, Luo Yongming. Changes in the abundance and structure of bacterial communities under long-term fertilization treatments in a peanut monocropping system. Plant and Soil, 2015,395(1-2):415-427

[52] Wu Chunfa, Zhu Hao, Luo, Yongming, Teng Ying, Song Jing, Chen Mengfang. Levels and potential health hazards of PCBs in shallow groundwater of an e-waste recycling area, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2015, 74:4431-4438

[53] Ma Ting Ting, Wu Long Hua, Chen Like, Zhang Hai Bo, Teng Ying, Luo Yong Ming. Phthalate esters contamination in soils and vegetables of plastic film greenhouses of suburb Nanjing, China and the potential human health risk. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22:12018-12028

[54] Ma Tingting, Teng Ying, Christie Peter, Luo Yongming. Phytotoxicity in seven higher plant species exposed to di-n-butyl phthalate or bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2015, 9(2):259-268

[55] Udeigwe Theophilus K., Teboh Jasper M., Eze Peter N., Stietiya M. Hashem, Kumar Vipan, Hendrix James, Mascagni Henry J., Jr., Teng Ying, Kandakji Tarek. Implications of leading crop production practices on environmental quality and human health. Journal of Environmental Management, 2015,151:267-297

[56] Li Chao, Cui Xinyi, Fan Yingying, Teng Ying, Nan Zhongren, Ma, Lena Q. Tenax as sorption sink for in vitro bioaccessibi lity measurement of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils. Environmental Pollution, 2015, 196:47-52