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职务 职称 副研究员
通讯地址 南京市北京东路71号
邮政编码 210008 电子邮件 xzhao@issas.ac.cn






1) 2012年度第七届中国土壤学会科技奖一等奖(排名第十)

2) 2012年度江苏省科学技术奖二等奖(排名第十)

3) 2008年度中国科学院刘永龄奖学金特别奖

4) 2007年度获得中国土壤学会科学技术奖一等奖(排名第八)

5) 2007年度江苏省科技进步三等奖(排名第六)

6) 2004年度江苏省优秀硕士论文

7) 2003年度中国科学院地奥奖学金二等奖



1) Wang YM, Wang P, Hao XZ, Zhou DM, Li JZ. 2017. Effect of different nitrogen forms on the toxicity of Zn in wheat seedling root: a modeling analysis. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24:18896-18906.

2) Hao XZ, Wang DJ, Wang PR, Wang YX, Zhou DM*.2016. Evaluation of water quality in surface water and shallow groundwater: a case study of a rare earth mining area in southern Jiangxi Province, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 188: 24.

3) Wang YM, Wang P, Ni LF, Hao XZ, Zhou DM*. 2014. Assessment of the Zn–Co mixtures rhizotoxicity under Ca deficiency: using two conventional mixture models based on the cell membrane surface potential. Chemosphere, 112: 232-239.

4) Wang DJ, Su CM, Zhang W, Hao XZ, Cang L, Wang YJ, Zhou DM*. 2014. Laboratory assessment of the mobility of water-dispersed engineered nanoparticles in a red soil (Ultisol). Journal of Hydrology, 519: 1677-1687.

5) Wang YM, Kinraide TB, Wang P, Ni LF, Hao XZ, Zhou DM*. 2014. Surface Electrical Potentials of Root Cell Plasma Membranes: Implications for Ion Interactions, Rhizotoxicity, and Uptake. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 15: 22661-22677.

6) Wang P, Kinraid TB, Smolders E, Zhou DM*, Menzies NW, Thakali S, Xia W W, Hao XZ, Peijnenburg WJGM, Kopittke PM. 2013. An electrostatic model predicting Cu and Ni toxicity to microbial processes in soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 57: 720-730.

7) Wang DJ, Zhang W, Hao XZ, Zhou DM*. 2013. Transport of biochar particles in saturated granular media: effects of pyrolysis temperature and particle size. Environmental Science & Technology. 47(2): 821-828.

8) Wang YM, Kinraide TB, Wang P, Zhou DM*, Hao XZ.2013.Modeling rhizotoxicity and uptake of Zn and Co singly and in binary mixture in wheat in terms of the cell membrane surface electrical potential. Environmental Science & Technology. 47(6): 2831-2838.

9) Hao XZ, Zhou DM*, Li DD, Jiang P. 2012. Growth, Cd and Zn accumulation of ornamental sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in contaminated soil with different amendments. Pedosphere, 22(5): 631-639.

10) Wang DJ, Bradford SA, Harvey RW, Hao XZ, Zhou DM*. 2012. Transport of ARS-labeled hydroxyapatite nanoparticles in saturated granular media is influenced by surface charge variability even in the presence of humic acid. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 229: 170-176.

11) Hao XZ, Zhou DM*, Wang YK, Shi FG, Jiang P. 2011. Accumulation of Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd in edible parts of four commonly grown crops in two contaminated soils. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 13: 289-301.

12) Zhou DM*, Wang DJ, Cang L, Hao XZ, Chu LY. 2011. Transport and re-entrainment of soil colloids in saturated packed column: effects of pH and ionic strength. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 11(3): 491-503.

13) 樊广萍, 朱海燕, 郝秀珍*, 仓龙, 王宇霞, 周东美. 2015. 不同的增强试剂对重金属污染场地土壤的电动修复影响.中国环境科学, 35(5):1458-1465.


1) 陈怀满主编. 2018.《环境土壤学》第三版. 北京:科学出版社.

2) 张旭, 周睿, 郝秀珍, 李广贺,赵勇胜,周东美等著. 2015.污染地下水修复技术筛选与评估方法. 北京:中国环境出版社.

3) 董元华, 林先贵, 王辉等著. 2015. 中国畜禽养殖业产生的环境问题与对策.北京:科学出版社.

4) 骆永明等著. 2012. 城郊农田土壤复合污染与修复研究. 北京:科学出版社.


1) 郝秀珍, 王宇霞, 周东美.一种钝化剂及其在修复重金属中轻度污染菜地土壤中的应用(发明专利 ZL 201510746187.4,2019.1.15授权)

2) 杨鹏, 郝秀珍, 周东美.六价铬污染土壤的淋洗方法(发明专利ZL 201310493630.2,2015.4.1授权)

3) 郝秀珍, 杨鹏, 周东美. 一种去除土壤中重金属的异位搅拌淋洗装置(实用新型专利 ZL 201320535107.7 ,2014.03.19授权)

4) 仓龙, 周东美, 郝秀珍, 王宇霞. 一种移动式场地污染土壤的原位电动修复工程装置(实用新型专利 ZL 201520899695.1,2016.6.8 授权)

