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宋    昕

宋 昕

职务 中心副主任、国研中心副主任、重点实验室副主任 职称 研究员
通讯地址 南京市北京东路71号
邮政编码 210008 电子邮件 xsong@issas.ac.cn






美国国家地下水协会会员(National Groundwater Association, NGWA)

国际水文地质专家协会会员(International Association of Hydrogeologists)








1. Pecht, M.G., R.E. Kaczmarek, X. Song, D.A. Hazelwood, R.A. Kavetsky, and D.K. Anand, 2012. Rare Earth Materials: Insights and Concerns, CALCE EPSC Press, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA.


1. 宋昕,金鹏,王晴,陈星 一种基于动态地下水循环的污染场地原位修复方法. 201910653930.X

2. 宋昕,金鹏,魏昌龙,李康,唐志文,杨成锋,扶恒,陈星. 一种PRB墙内地下水监测井的建井方法. 201910604853.9

3. 涂香明,宋昕,张微,李康,林娜 水田土壤镉污染钝化剂及其制备方法与应用 201910256416.2

4. 宋昕,陈星,魏昌龙,任家强,吕正勇 一种土壤原位热修复沙箱模拟系统及方法,发明专利号:2019100848884

5. 宋昕, 杨淼焱, 王晴, 唐诗月. 一种溴代烃厌氧降解菌剂的制备方法及应用, 发明专利号:201710383110.4

6. 宋昕, 魏昌龙, 王晴. 一种污染物迁移转化的三维可视模拟装置的取样方法,发明专利号:201610802188.0

7. 宋昕, 陈星, 张微, 吕正勇, 张岩坤. 过氧化硫酸钠的应用,发明专利号: 201610154907.2

8. 宋昕, 林娜, 郭亮, 殷鹏华, 胡志豪. 一种利用磁铁矿和铝土矿矿渣原位修复地下水中汞污染的方法, 发明专利号:201610035059.3

9. 宋昕, 刘建国. 一种一体化综合土壤原地联合修复设备, 发明专利号: 201410177784.5


1. Chang Xu, Zhaoyang Liu, Xin Song#, Xiaoyan Ding, Da Ding. Legacy and emerging per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in multi-media around a landfill in China: Implications for the usage of PFASs alternatives. Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 751: 141767-141775.

2. Shiyue Tang, Xin Song, Qing Wang#, Shui Wang.  Effects of two surfactants on microbial diversity of a PCE-degrading microbial consortium. Chemosphere, 2020, 261: 127685-127685.

3. Da Ding,Xin Song#,Changlong Wei,Zhihao Hu,Zhaoyang Liu  Efficient sorptive removal of F-53B from water by layered double hydroxides: Performance and mechanisms Chemosphere, 2020, 252,126443.

4. Jiaqiang Ren, Xin Song#, Da Ding. Sustainable remediation of diesel-contaminated soil by low temperature thermal treatment: Improved energy efficiency and soil reusability. Chemosphere, 2020, 241:124952.

5. Qing Wang, Xin Song#, Shiyue Tang, Lei Yu. Enhanced removal of tetrachloroethylene from aqueous solutions by biodegradation coupled with nZVI modified by layered double hydroxide, Chemosphere, 2020, 243:125260.

6. Qing Wang, Miaoyan Yang, Xin Song#, Shiyue Tang, Lei Yu. Aerobic and Anaerobic Biodegradation of 1,2-Dibromoethane by a Microbial Consortium under Simulated Groundwater Conditions, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 16(19), 3775.

7. Da Ding, Xin Song#, Changlong Wei, John LaChance A review on the sustainability of thermal treatment for contaminated soils. Environmental Pollution, 2019, 253:449-463.

8. Changlong Wei, Xin Song#, Qing Wang, Yun Liu, Na Lin. Influence of coexisting Cr (VI) and sulfate anions and Cu (II) on the sorption of F-53B to soils. Chemosphere, 2019, 216: 507-515.

9. Neel Kamal Koju, Xin Song#, Na Lin, Keke Xu, Heng Fu. Enhanced distribution of humic acid-modified nanoscale magnesia for in situ reactive zone removal of Cd from simulated groundwater. Environmental pollution, 2019, 245: 9-19.

10. Zhaoyang Liu, Yonglong Lu#, Xin Song, Kevin Jones, Andrew J. Sweetman, Andrew C. Johnson, Meng Zhang, Xiaotian Lu, Chao Su. Multiple crop bioaccumulation and human exposure of perfluoroalkyl substances around a mega fluorochemical industrial park, China: Implication for planting optimization and food safety. Environment International, 2019, 127: 671-684.

11. Changlong Wei, Qing Wang, Xin Song#, Xing Chen, Renjun Fan, Da Ding, Yun Liu. Distribution, source identification and health risk assessment of PFASs and two PFOS alternatives in groundwater from non-industrial areas. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety, 2018, 152: 141-150.

12. Neel Kamal Koju, Xin Song#, Qing Wang, Zhihao Hu, Claudio Colombo. Cadmium removal from simulated groundwater using alumina nanoparticles: behaviors and mechanisms. Environmental pollution, 2018, 240: 255-266.

13. Zhihao Hu, Xin Song#, Changlong Wei, Jianguo Liu. Behavior and mechanisms for sorptive removal of perfluorooctane sulfonate by layered double hydroxides. Chemosphere, 2017, 187: 196-205.

14. Changlong Wei, Xin Song#, Qing Wang, Zhihao Hu. Sorption kinetics, isotherms and mechanisms of PFOS on soils with different physicochemical properties. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety, 2017, 142: 40-50.

15. Neel Kamal Koju, Xin Song#, Qing Wang. Effective remediation of low-concentration cadmium in groundwater using nano-scale magnesia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24(11): 10819-10832.

16. Dongmei Zhou#, Xin Song, Fangjie Zhao, Baohua Gu. Soil Environment and Pollution Remediation. Pedosphere, 2017, 27(3):387-388.

17. Weichuan Qiao, Jingping Chu, Shaojun Ding, Xin Song, Lei Yu#. Characterization of a thermo-alkali-stable laccase from Bacillus subtilis cjp3 and its application in dyes decolorization. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 2017, 52(8): 710-717.

18. Lei Yu#, Mingyue Cao, Pengtao Wang, Shi Wang, Yingrong Yue, Wenduo Yuan, Weichuan Qiao, Fei Wang, Xin Song#. Simultaneous decolorization and biohydrogen production from xylose by Klebsiella oxytoca GS-4-08 in the presence of azo dyes with sulfonate and carboxyl groups. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 2017, 83(10): e00508-17.

19. Penghua Yin, Zhihao Hu, Xin Song#, Jianguo Liu, Na Lin. Activated persulfate oxidation of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in groundwater under acidic conditions. International journal of environmental research and public health, 2016, 13(6): 602.

20. N. Jordan Jameson#, Xin Song, Michael Pecht. Conflict minerals in electronic systems: An overview and critique of legal initiatives. Science and engineering ethics, 2016, 22(5): 1375-1389.

21. Lei Yu#, Qingwen Tang, Yujia Zhang, Rongping Chen, Xin Liu, Weichuan Qiao, Wenwei Li, Honghua Ruan, Xin Song#. A novel Fe (III) dependent bioflocculant from Klebsiella oxytoca GS-4-08: culture conditions optimization and flocculation mechanism. Scientific reports, 2016, 6: 3498001-11.

22. James H. Stagge, Eric A. Seagren, Xin Song#. Sorption of Naphthalene onto Natural and Surfactant-Amended Soils. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2015, 142(4): 060150101-060150105.

23. Jeong-Hyub Ha, Eric A. Seagren, Xin Song#. Oxygen Transport across the Capillary Fringe in LNAPL Pool-Source Zones. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2014, 140(12): 0401404001-11.

24. Xin Song#, Eunyoung Hong, Eric A. Seagren. Laboratory-scale in situ bioremediation in heterogeneous porous media: Biokinetics-limited scenario. Journal of contaminant hydrology, 2014, 158: 78-92.

25. Claudio Colombo#, Giuseppe Palumbo, Erika Di Iorio, Xin Song, Zhaoxia Jiang, Qingsong Liu, Ruggero Angelico. Influence of hydrothermal synthesis conditions on size, morphology and colloidal properties of Hematite nanoparticles. Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects, 2015, 2: 19-27.

26. Xin Song, Moon-Hwan Chang, Michael Pecht#. Rare-earth elements in lighting and optical applications and their recycling. 2013, JOM, 65(10): 1276-1282.

27. Mark A. Johnson, Xin Song, Eric A. Seagren#. A quantitative framework for understanding the complex interactions of competing interfacial processes and in situ biodegradation. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 2013, 146: 16-36.

28. Xin Song#, E. A. Seagren. In situ bioremediation in heterogeneous porous media: dispersion-limited scenario". Environmental Science & Technology, 2008, 42(16): 6131-6140.

29. 唐诗月, 王晴, 杨淼焱, 宋昕,虞磊. 共代谢基质强化微生物修复四氯乙烯污染地下水. 环境工程学报,2019,13(9):1–10.

30. 陈星, 宋昕, 吕正勇, 任家强, 丁达, 林娜, 魏昌龙, 扶恒. PAHs 污染土壤的热修复可行性. 环境工程学报, 2018, 12(10): 2833-2844.

31. 徐坷坷, 宋昕, 程莹莹, 王晴. 正己烷萃取-气相色谱法测定地下水中5 种挥发性氯代烃的方法优化研究. 水资源保护, 2017, 33(3): 47-51.

32. 林娜, 宋昕, 郭亮, 殷鹏华, 胡志豪. 天然磁铁矿和商用Fe3O4 修复Hg(II)污染地下水的模拟研究. 土壤, 2017, 49(1): 118-128.

33. 宋昕,林娜, 殷鹏华. 中国污染场地修复现状及产业前景分析.土壤, 2015,47(1):1-7.


1. 会议主席,组织并主持了“2018污染场地热修复技术研讨会” 2018年1月18-19日,中国南京

2. 会议主席,组织并主持了中德“土壤和地下水环境中持久性有机污染现状、迁移转化及其修复技术”双边研讨会,2016年4月17-22日,中国南京。

3. 会议组委会,组织了“欧盟Erasmus+: International University Cooperation on Land Protection in European-Asiatic Countries(IUCLAND)项目启动会”,2016年1月13-15日,中国南京。

4. 大会主席,组织并主持了“2014 污染场地调查和修复技术研讨会”,2014年11月10-12日,中国南京。


1. 科技部重点研发专项项目,2019YFC1805700,复合有机污染场地原位热处理耦合修复技术与装备-原位热强化微生物绿色耦合修复技术与装备研发,2020/01-2023/12,2418万元,主持。

2. 中科院科技服务网络计划(STS)项目,KFJ-STS-ZDTP-064,铬污染场地生物修复技术研究与示范,2019/01-2020/06,180万元,课题负责人。

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41771354,PFOS典型替代物F-53B在土壤和地下水中的环境行为及其修复研究,2018/01-2021/12,63万元,主持。

4. 中科院科技服务网络计划(STS)项目,KFJ-STS-ZDTP-039,土壤污染风险评价与场地污染修复,2018/01/01-2019/06/30,90万元,参加。

5. 污染场地修复技术工程示范项目,《原长沙铬盐厂铬污染整体治理项目》整体治理方案中试试验及相关服务项目,2018/05-2018/08,2180万元,主持。

6. 中德研讨会项目,土壤和地下水环境中持久性有机污染现状、迁移转化及其修复技术,2017,17.7万,主持。

7. 江苏省科技计划项目社会发展--面上项目,BE2017779,典型VOCs污染场地原位强化生物修复技术研究与示范,2017/07-2020/06,40万元,主持。

8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41571460,地下水环境中PFOS和PFOA的迁移行为及活化过硫酸盐对其氧化降解研究,2016/01-2019/12,77.4万元,主持。

9. 中国科学院重点部署项目,KFZD-SW-303,长三角复合有机污染场地土壤和地下水原位修复关键技术研究与示范,2016/01-2017/12,500万元,主持。

10. 欧盟Erasmus+项目,2015-3471/001-001,International University Cooperation on Land Protection in European-Asiatic Countries,2015/10-2018/10,58万元,参与。
