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应实验室吴龙华研究员邀请, 英国 Lancaster University张昊教授将于7月8日上午来实验室交流访问,并作学术报告,报告详细信息如下:

 Title:Holistic approach for understanding bioavailability and  biogeochemical processes in soils and sediments using DGT 


Speaker:         Prof. Dr. Hao ZHANG

                     (Lancaster University, UK )


Date:           9:30 a.m., 8th July (Friday)


Place:        Seminar room 2, Huilian Building




Professor of Environmental Chemistry


Employer                         Lancaster University, LEC, Bailrigg, Lancaster LA1 4YQ, UK

Specialisation                  Biogeochemistry of metals, organics and nutrients

Years with employer        23 years, full time since 1993 



Summary of qualifications and career

1984                                  BSc in Marine Chemistry. Ocean University of Qingdao, China

1984-1987                         Research Assistant in Institute of Oceanography, CAS, China

1991                                  PhD in Chemistry. University of Brussels (ULB), Belgium

1991-1993                         Research Associate in Oceanography, Liverpool University.


Scientific Expertise

Inorganic chemical processes in the environment, particularly those relating to chemical speciation and uptake by biota. The development and application of in situ dynamic analytical techniques. Major expertise lies with trace metals, but studies extend to organics, nutrients and radionuclides.


Recent Achievements and Impact

  • The thrust of my 32 years of research is to advance understanding of inorganic chemical processes in the environment, where possible, by exploiting new analytical developments. I have advanced the application of electrochemical techniques (ASV and CSV) and ICP-MS in investigating metal speciation and bioavailability, pioneered the techniques of DGT and DET and have led the applications of these techniques in waters, soils and sediments. The research has advanced scientific understanding in several areas of environmental chemistry: (1) biogeochemistry of Co and Ni in marine systems, (2) chemical speciation in aqueous environments, (3) dynamics of interactions between solution and solid phase in sediments and soils, (4) the role of microniches in determining chemical processes in sediments and (5) how the dynamics of soil processes affect uptake of solutes by plants.
  • The work on DGT I initiated as a PDRA, developed during my 5 years Advanced NERC Fellowship, and since as an academic member of staff, has become an international research area in its own right. My recent and current work has maintained the research lead, and DGT – based work continues to set the agenda in the research fields mentioned in highlights 2-5 above, with papers that, for example: define information available on labile solution species (Mongin et al, 2011); demonstrate possible micronutrient limitation in the oceans (Bayens et al, 2011); demonstrate directly P dynamics in the rhizosphere (Santner et al, 2011), allow accurate prediction of P fertilizer requirements (Mason et al, 2010); provide an integrated theory for dynamic and quasi-equilibrium plant uptake (Degryse et al, 2009). My recent grants and collaborations are expanding the research into new areas, including environmental nanoparticles, biological sensors and hydrology. An exciting recent development has been the acquisition of unprecedented high resolution images of solute distribution in the rhizosphere and in sediments with 4 papers in active preparation.
  • Invited speaker at more than 30 international conferences and workshops in the last 10 years.


Research Grants/Contracts and Supervisions

Income exceeding £4,300,000 largely from UK research councils (13 grants from NERC), but additionally from European Union (3 grants from EU), Environmental Agency and Industry.

Supervised 18 PDRA (postdoctoral research associates) and 27 PhD students.


Publication Outputs

Published 178 papers in peer reviewed journals and 8 book chapters.    h-index: 42.

There are more than 38 papers with citations above 50; the highest is 509 (paper in Nature).

Total citation 6734.


Membership of selected official bodies

Member of the RSC, IUPAC, SETAC, EGU, ASLO

Member of EuCheMS DCE Steering Committee

Member of ISTEB International Steering Committee

Member of NERC Peer Review College and Research Grant Moderating Panels (2003-2006)

Associate editor of “Journal of Environmental Quality”

Member of Editorial Boards of the journals “Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety”, “Advances in Environmental Research (AER)” , “Environmental Analytical Chemistry” and “Environmental Science and Pollution Research”