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        Pedosphere(土壤圈)作为国际土壤学领域的重要学术期刊之一,拟组织一期“土壤环境与污染修复”的专刊,文章类型包括综述和研究论文。论文投稿请通过在线系统(网址为http://pedosphere.issas.ac.cn, https://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/pedosphere, 或 https://cn.manuscriptcentral.com/pedosphere),投稿时请注明为专刊。投稿截止日为2016年10月31日。本专刊拟于2017年上半年刊出。所有投稿论文将进行正常程序的审稿,本专刊录用的论文将免收版面费。欢迎大家踊跃投稿。




Call for Papers---Special Issue on Soil Environment and Pollution Remediation


    Due to the fast development of industrialization and urbanization, along with intensive farming on arable land, the global soil environment has been under considerable pressure. According to the “National Soil Pollution Survey” co-released by PRC Ministry of Environmental Protection and PRC Ministry of Land and Resources on April 17, 2014, the overall conditions of soil environment in China are not optimistic. Soil contamination has resulted in the pollutant exceedances in crops and threatened human health and ecosystems. To address the soil contamination issues in China, the State Council of China released the “Action Plan on Prevention and Control of Soil Contamination” on May 28, 2016, which aims to protect the uncontaminated land and implement risk management and remediation of contaminated soil.

    Conducting in-depth soil research can be very challenging due to the impact of different soil types and properties as well as complex soil compositions. Therefore, it is of significant importance to share (1) new findings of the physical, chemical and biological processes in soil, (2) new practices in the establishment of soil environmental quality standards, and (3) innovations in the development of remediation technologies. As a major international journal in soil science, PEDOSPHERE is calling for contributions for a special issue on soil environment and pollution remediation. Both review and research papers are welcome. Please submit your manuscript online at http://pedosphere.issas.ac.cn, https://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/pedosphere, or https://cn.manuscriptcentral.com/pedosphere, and indicate that your submitted manuscript is for this special issue. Every submitted manuscript will be peer-reviewed under the standard procedure and each accepted paper will be published free of charge. The paper submission deadline is October 31, 2016 and the special issue is scheduled to be published in early 2017.   

    Guest editors for this special issue include Prof. Zhou Dongmei (Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Prof. Song Xin (Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Prof. Zhao Fangjie (Nanjing Agricultural University, China), Prof. Gu Baohua (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA).